Community quilt - the finished top was displayed at the meeting.
Fundraising- quite a few items were donated for our November 16 Holiday Faire table in La Selva Beach. Lori brought more kits for snap bags. There was a sign up for volunteers to help with the event from 10-4 that Saturday
Library vs sew days - Pat will set up a monthly sew day at the church and the library days will be canceled.
Demo with Kathrin Brown - Kathrin demonstrated skinny piecing. She recommends a YouTube video with Irene Roderick. She starts with a ¾” - 1” strip, and pieces it with the skinny strip on top of the other piece. She then presses away from the skinny strip, trims it to ¼”, and sews as close as possible to the previous seam, and then presses away from the skinny strip again. The same technique can also be used to make curved strips.
The SBAMQG board election is next month. We also need retreat committee volunteers. Kathrin volunteered to be program director.
Quilty events: There is a Refuge exhibit at the San Jose Quilt museum
The Swap in December is for a table runner. There will be an online form sent out. The deadline for entering will be 10/8, and the swap will be held at the December meeting.
Next SBAMQG meeting - 10/29
There will be a Donation quilt meeting on Thursday.
Show and tell: Sheryl, Karen, and Gene shared quilts, along with Gene’s two sweaters with blue ribbons from the Santa Cruz County Fair. Anna, Sheryl, Shauna and Kathrin modeled personal created garments
Laura Ryle, Secretary